Workshop Series

Thursday | September 6, 2018 Tuesday | September 25, 2018 Thursday | October 18, 2018
Reserve Your Seat

A deeper dive into the Power BI engine.

Valorem in collaboration with Microsoft is offering a FREE 3 part series of advanced Power BI training. These workshops are designed for advanced users who have already completed a Dashboard in a Day event and have core Power BI knowledge.

Below is an outline of what attendees should expect. We encourage you to register for the complete series however, it is not required. Space is limited so select your session preferences to the right and reserve your seat today!

Data Shaping
September 6th

Data Modeling
September 25th

Data Visualization
October 18th


  • Data Modeling Overview
  • Getting Started with M
  • Advanced M Transformations
  • Variables & Parameters


  • Basic Data Modeling & Power BI Desktop Internals
  • DAX Calculated Columns & Measures
  • Calculate
  • DAX Evaluation Contexts
  • Time Intelligence Functions


  • Storytelling with Data
  • Data Visualization Science
  • Data Visualization Process
  • Dashboards & Reports
  • Chart Selection
  • Custom Visuals
  • Polishing & Formatting

What You'll Learn:

  • Import & shape data from a variety of sources
  • Create queries using toolbar navigations & Advanced Editor
  • Understand parameters
  • Organize queries using folders

What You'll Learn:

  • Basic concepts of data modeling
  • Consequences of data model design decisions
  • Concepts of calculated columns & measures
  • Standard DAX patterns & CALCULATE
  • Evaluation contexts & their impact on calculations
  • Parsing data modeling formulas

What You'll Learn:

  • The need for storytelling with data
  • The agile process to create Power BI data visualizations
  • The art behind visualizations
  • Power BI report layouts & structure
  • Choosing the right charts
  • Power BI custom visuals

Continue your journey to Power BI mastery and register your spot for this free advanced training!



September 6, 2018 — Advanced Data Shaping

September 25, 2018 — Advanced Data Modeling

October 18, 2018 — Advanced Data Visualization


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT

Lunch provided


Microsoft-Overland Park

10801 Mastin Street, Suite 620

Overland Park, KS 66210
